An overview:
There are different types of intellectual property such as Patents, Industrial Property, Trade Secrets, Copyright, Geographical Indicators. Trademark is one amongst them.Trademark is a word, symbol, or phrase which is used to identify a particular manufacturer or the product of seller and distinguish their product from the products of another.It is also called the registration of the brand name. The provisions related to trademark are provided under the Trademarks Act, 1999.To become King of your business, you must protect your ideas under intellectual property rights. You must register your trademark and protect it from any kind of misuse by third party. Trademark protection can extend beyond the word, symbol or phrase to include other aspects of a product such as its colour. Trademark make it easier for the consumers to quickly identify the source of a given product. In today time customer knows the name of the brand only not the person who made it. If it is taken by someone else, then it could spoil the hard work of many years. Hence it is advisable to get their brand name registered before start of the business..


Need of Trademark Registration

Protection of Brand

A Trademark Registration establishes ownership of a brand, name, or logo. It safeguards your brand against unauthorized use or misuse by the third party. This establishes that the product totally belongs to you, and you have the exclusive rights to use, sell, and modify the brand or goods in whichever manner you want. Trademark is none other than having the sole right to use your brand name.


Valuable Assets

Trademark Registration is a valuable asset for your organization which will keep appreciating over the time. The value of your trademark gets automatically scaled up as the company grows. It means as your company grows, the value of trademark will also appreciate and they continue to grow in value over the time.


Ensure Uniqueness with distinct identity

Every business wants a brand or logo that differentiates their product from the product of others and this can be achieved by getting the registration of your trademark. A registered logo provides your brand with a distinct and unique identity.


Tool for Communication

A registered trademark can be easily identified that which brand your product belongs to. For example, you can easily identify a Apple product by seeing the silver color half bitten apply on any device as the registered trademark speaks for themselves as they are the most simple and effective communication tool.


Easier for consumers to identify the product

Trademark make it easier for the consumers to quickly identify the source of a given product as they are unique in their identity and can be easily traceable and customers can reach your product easily.


Trademark Lasts Forever

Once a trademark registered, it will remain for forever over the life of the business. It will be renewed after every 10 years.


Maintains Quality and Standard

Trademark also give manufacturers an incentive to invest in the quality of their goods as if the quality of the product lacking then consumer will shift to another brand in the future.Thus, trademarks convey a certain standard and quality of the product that consumers can easily identify.



Types of Trademarks

Benefits of Trademark Registration

Unique Mark of Identity

One look at the trademark, and the consumer connects it with a company. It could be the name on the logo, the design, and the colours. Consumers do not even have to read the words to figure out what it means. One look should tell them what it is all about. For example, the shoe brand Nike doesn’t always have the words on its logo, but most people know what the brand is all about.


Asset Creation for the business

A trademark is an intangible asset for the business that add value to its product and business. It is a marketing tool for your business. Like in the real estate business, the value of asset appreciated over the period of time, the same is the case with the trademark. The value of trademark grows as the business grows. Trademarks can also be purchased sold or can be used as a security like the tangible assets for obtaining loan from the Financial Institutions.



Build Trust and Loyalty

Trademarks represent the reputation and excellence of a good or service. Registering a trademark develops confidence and recognition among customers in the market. Moreover, it aids in the development of loyal and long-term clientele who will consistently pick your trademarked brand over others.


Legal Right to use the ® Trademark Symbol

Once a trademark gets registered, you can use the ® symbol with your logo which represents that it is a registered trademark/brand name, and no other person can use a similar trademark. It means you get the exclusive rights to use the trademark and if anyone uses your trademark without your permission, you can sue for the infringement of your rights in the court of law.


Trademark Registrations can be enforced against the Company Name

As per the Companies Act, 2013, the name of the company cannot be similar or identical to the registered Trademark.This provision can be used to block the names that the company intends to use for future. A company name cannot be similar or identical to that of a trademark. Therefore, once a trademark is registered, a company cannot be registered in the same name. This provision of the Companies Act, 2013 can be used by Entrepreneurs to block company names that they wish to use in the future for their business. Further, it is important for existing business owners also to register a trademark in their business name to avoid any complications in the future.



Marketing Tool

For every business to grow exponentially, one of the most important things is that people should know about the existence of your business and for the same,businesses spend a lot on a range of advertising medium such as Digital Newsprint, Radio, TV, etc to promote their brand among the consumers. If a brand is not trademarked then it can be claimed or misused by anyone. Therefore, it is important prior to the beginning of advertisement that you shall file the trademark application first.


Trademark registration Validity

Trademark registration is valid for the 10 years. During the 10 years, no fees, no legal obligations and any other statutory requirement regarding the trademark maintenance to be done. Further it can be renewed just before the expiry of the trademark certificate thereby protecting the trademark from the third party. Hence it can be maintained forever.

Attracts Human Resources

Popular brands are known for attracting young talent. Furthermore, young minds want to work for large corporations as it ensures greater perks and more stability in pay. Trademark registration puts forth a positive picture of an organization. Moreover, this diminishes the expense of recruitment and other related exercises.

Process of Company Registration

COMPLIANCESPRO has a separate team which is expert in completing this complex process very easily and helps you to get the company registered within 3 daysonly in a very reasonable price.

Documents & Details required for company incorporation in very simple terms
Documents Required
  • Bank Statement
  • Electricity Bill
  • Telephone Bill
  • Mobile Bill
  • Passport
  • Driving License
  • Voter’s Identity Card
  •  Electricity Bill or
  • Telephone Bill
  • (Not older than 2 Month)
Details Required
  1. Company Name
  2. Company Email Id and Phone No
  3. Business Activity
  4. Directors Name
  5. Shareholders Name
  6. All Directors and Shareholders Details:
  • Email ID and Mobile Number
  • Place of Birth (District & State)
  • Nationality
  • Qualification
  • Current Employment: Salaried/ Businessman/ Other
  • Duration of Stay at Present Address
  • Capital Amount
financial accounting


  • Name Search Report

  • Trademark Certificate

  • Formality Check Pass

  • Right to use TM with the name

  • Right to use ® (Registered) with the name

  • Free Consultancy for 1 year

trademark registration

Why Us ?

Documents Required
  1. Logo
  2. PAN Card of Business
  3. Udyam Registration, if other than Proprietorship
  4. Power of Attorney
Details Required
  1. Brand Name
  2. Business Activity
  3. Office Address
  4. Proprietor/Partner/Director Name
  5. Goods/Services description
  6. User detail (brand user date)
  7. Contact number & Email id
Additional Documents for back dated Brand Name
  1. User Affidavit
  2. Two Sales Invoices for Every Financial Year
  3. Advertisement Proof
  4. Sales figure for all Financial Years
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After Sale Services:

We provides free consultancy for 1 year. If entity faces any issue or requires any consultancy, it can even be related to services which they have not taken from us, we will always be available. You do not require to interact with many services providers for direct taxation, indirect taxation, labour laws, company compliances, GST, etcas we provide the solution of all the problems under single roof

Online Service:

Our aim is to save maximum time and money of the client. Hence, we deliver fast and reliable services, mostly in an online environment by taking all the documents via online channels like WhatsApp, Gmail, etc. requiring no need to unnecessarily visit the offices.

Record Maintenance on Behalf of the Client-

Records of all the compliances required by law to be kept by the Entity are maintained by us on behalf of the client to assist him to produce the same if asked by department or any statutory body.

Modern approaches instead of Traditional ways-

Work are executed by following a set of standard rules and SOP instead of traditional manual ways.

Modern approaches instead of Traditional ways-

Work are executed by following a set of standard rules and SOP instead of traditional manual ways.

Upgraded Licensed Software’s-

Work are performed through automated software’s (only Licensed) which auto identify the errors, omissions, or non-compliances instead of paper working or working directly on the sites. Few examples of the software are- Compu Tax for Income Tax, Speqta for GST compliances, Compu TDS & TCS for TDS & TCS compliances, Licensed Microsoft Office 365 for office applications, etc.

Total Security Antivirus in Server-

Data is completely protected from viruses, ransomware and all other kind of viruses and hacking by Total Security antivirus in the server.

Data Storage on Cloud along with Server-

Data is stored in cloud also to secure the data of Client in case of any kind of uncertainty.

Partners instead of Employees-

Membersof the team are paid on sharing basis for the work assigned to him instead of fixed salary for efficiency, effectiveness & motivation while execution of work of all the entities.

Segregation of Duties-

In our firm different kind of works are assigned to different person instead of allotting all different kind of works to the single person which provides the accuracy in the work and benefit of expertise.

Upgraded Information:

Our team members are always updated with the latest changes and new laws, rules, and regulations. A regular session is taken with the team to update them with all the compliances and new things which can benefit the client in getting more benefits in terms of monetary and non-monetary benefits.