An Overview

All Companies registered under the Companies Act whether it is Private Limited, Public Limited or One Person Company (OPC) prepare their financial statements yearly and they must file these financial statements with the Registrar of Companies via prescribed forms. Companies shall conduct Annual General Meeting (AGM) at the end of the financial year for discussing the financials with the Shareholders of the company and theses financials must represent the true and fair position of the company.Ministry of Corporate affairs need every company to file an annual return covering all the details of the company financials, Annual General Meeting, Board Report, Extract of Annual return, Auditor’s Report so that every company shall comply with all the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013. Form AOCis used to file the financial statements for each financial year with the Registrar of Companies (ROC).

Need of Filing Annual Return

Mandatory to file

Every company registered under the Companies Act, 2013 compulsory needs to file the yearly financial statements with the Registrar of Companies via Form AOC. The company shall furnish the details in Form AOC within 30 days of its Annual General Meeting held.

⇒ Levy of Penalty

Every company shall file the form on time otherwise it will lead to a penalty of Rs 100 per day and it will continue till the day the form is filed.

⇒ Strike Off

If the company will not file its annual return for the two continuous financial years, it may lead to the company status as “inactive company”.

Disqualification of Director

If the company will not file its annual return for the three continuous financial years, it will lead to the disqualification of directors of the company under the Companies Act, 2013. Further, he can not be the director for a period of five years in any company from the date of disqualification. His DIN (Director Identification Number) will also become inactive.

⇒ Fine and Imprisonment of Director

If the company fails to file the annual return even after 270 days from the due date then the director of the company can be levied with the fine of minimum Rs 50,000 which may extend upto Rs 5 Lakh or the Director can also be imprisoned for a period upto 6 Months. Both Fine and imprisonment can also be levied at the same time.

Types of AOC Forms

Due Date for Filing AOC

All companies registered under the Companies Act, 2013 are required to file the financial statements along with the other documents within 30 days of conducting an Annual General Meeting.

However, in case of One Person Company (OPC) as there is no Annual General Meeting, they must file a copy of the financial statements within 180 days of the closure of the financial year.

Penalty for Late Filing AOC

If any company fails to file the form AOC-4 on time then it will lead to a penalty of Rs 100 per day until the form is filed.

Benefits of Filing Annual Return

Creates Good Image

After filing the annual return, the profile of the company on the site of Ministry of Corporate Affairs will also gets updated and it will show the date of last Annual General Meeting held and status of the company as Active. Anyone can view the company profile and it will give a good impression about the company that company made timely compliances.

Creates Public Report

It will create a record of the company financials and anyone can view the data of any company by viewing the public record options available on the site of Ministry of Corporate Affairs.

Informative Statements

The basic objective of financial statements is to provide information about the financial health, growth and modifications in a company’s financial position that will be useful to a wide range of stakeholders in making business decisions. Anyone who is interested in investing any company can simply view the financials filed with the form AOC by visiting on the site of Ministry of Corporate Affairs.


Documents Required
  • Balance Sheet along with its Schedules
  • Profit and Loss Account along with its schedules
  • Cash Flow Statement (if applicable)
  • Notes of Significant Accounting Polices
  • Board’s Report
  • MGT-9 (Extract of Annual Report)
  • Auditor’s Report
  • Corporate Social Responsibility, if any
  • Statement of Subsidiaries, if any
  • Other Relevant Documents, if any
Details Required
  1. Business Activity
  2. Goods/Services description
  3. Contact number & Email id
financial accounting

Process of Company Registration

COMPLIANCESPRO has a separate team which is expert in completing this complex process very easily and helps you to get the company registered within 3 daysonly in a very reasonable price.

Documents & Details required for company incorporation in very simple terms
Documents Required
  • Bank Statement
  • Electricity Bill
  • Telephone Bill
  • Mobile Bill
  • Passport
  • Driving License
  • Voter’s Identity Card
  •  Electricity Bill or
  • Telephone Bill
  • (Not older than 2 Month)
Details Required
  1. Company Name
  2. Company Email Id and Phone No
  3. Business Activity
  4. Directors Name
  5. Shareholders Name
  6. All Directors and Shareholders Details:
  • Email ID and Mobile Number
  • Place of Birth (District & State)
  • Nationality
  • Qualification
  • Current Employment: Salaried/ Businessman/ Other
  • Duration of Stay at Present Address
  • Capital Amount
financial accounting


  • Certified AOC Form
